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Aug 31, 2010

Episode 5: September's Financial Transactions

So if you've been following my blog, you've noticed I want to make at least $1,000 a month. I plan on getting a job soon outside the house so that I don't have to rely solely on my Tarot Readings. In this blog post I will keep track of all my income for the month of September as well as what money goes out. Since my goal is $1,000 a month and there are 30 days in September, that would be about $33.33 a day. I'm going to set my goal at $40 a day, though; so it's okay if I come in a little under but I'll still strive for that goal! And if I'd happen to hit $40 a day, that would be $1,200 this month!

                                     Made             Goal             To Go
September 1st -           $27.74             $40             $12.26
September 2nd -           $0                   $40               $40
September 3rd -           $11                  $40               $29
Monthly -                    $38.74           $1,000          $961.26

September 1st - $4.25

I will update this as needed!

Workin' hard,

Episode 4: I'm a Friend Only When They Need Me

I'll try to make this quick and do some quick updating for everyone!

Do you have any friends like that? Lately I have friends that act all buddy-buddy with me on the phone, texting, Skype, etc. But when it comes to hanging out, they try to stay away. I'm tired of being a friend when they need me. But when I need them, where are they? Sometimes people just suck. =[

The good news is the college started Monday. So far I'm enjoying my Professors and I find the guy that sits next to me in Physical Geography Laboratory very cute! =P I also went on a date with a guy I had a class with last semester. But things go weird when he handcuffed me and I politely asked for him to unlock the handcuff from the wrist. He tried handcuffing it to my other hand behind my back. After telling him no several times I finally hit him. =] Go me!

Finances suck more than ever. My Dad is being an ass and giving me a hard time because for the first time in my life I asked to borrow money for books until my check gets here from the University. But I came up with the money on my own. And now I find out I may not even even be getting a check but may owe the University some money! >=[ So I may have to take out a loan.

Anyway, that was a very brief update, but I wanted to post it, anyway. =]

Always a friend,

Aug 22, 2010

Episode 3: Financial Woes & a Relationship Goes

The big issue for me: finances. I'm dishing over nearly $250 for textbooks and then another $350 for car insurance for this month and next. I'm constantly worrying about bringing in enough money. But I'm also going to be looking for another job. This way I can get something constant.

If you saw my last post you'll know that I want a horse. I'm trying to imagine how much money I can save up if I save up $1,000+ a month. I could pay off college, get a better car, AND even have a down payment for a house. Or . . . I could get a horse. So it's definitely playing on my mind: is a horse worth it?

I know if I get a horse that it will be harder to get a downpayment together for a house. Or I can try to do this the other way around: buy a house, pay off college, get a newer car (or at least have money together for a car), and then go for a horse. But if I do it that way I may not have enough money for a horse. If I can get more Readings sold, and even start doing in-person Readings when I have a house, it may work out. But, still, I'll have a mortgage to pay and possibly car payments (although I'd rather just buy the car for a few thousand). On top of that do I want a horse?

It's really tricky. I know I have months to think about this while I take lessons in the meantime. By then I may decide that, yes, I do love horses and want one, but that it may just be better if I try to get ahead in other things and wait until after college to get a horse. It's kind of tricky, though. I know I still have a good 3 or 4 years left of college. Do I really want to wait that long?

Inside a massive horse barn
Hopefully after college I'll get a teaching job and will be married (I can only dream) so I'll have another source of income. I mean if I say a horse will cost $4,000 initially and then I pay about $650 a month for a year: right there is $11,800 that I can save up in a year. Plus another chunk of money that I bank for the horse. There's another $1,200. I think saving up $13,000 a year is an eye-opener! Let's say I go to college for another 4 years: there's $52,000! Get ahead on paying off these loans . . . plus I can be on my way to a nice-sized down payment. And that's only if I'd bank a little over $1,000 a month. What if I bank $2,000 a month for 4 years? Can anyone say $96,000? Plus, you can figure I'll have more time to work during the summer months. So let's add another $2,000 a month for those 3 summer months for 4 years (assuming I work during the summer before I start teaching). That would be another $24,000. Add that to $96,000 and that would be $120,000 in the bank. Or . . . I could buy a horse.

Another thing I could consider is buying a house with land or even one with a barn. If it doesn't have one, build one! I could buy a horse then and take care of it there! I could even rent out stalls to get a nice income to pay off the barn plus other stuff. This would be hard to do if I'm still in college, though, unless I only do partial boarding where the owners need to come to feed the horses a certain amount of time a week or clean stalls, or something like that.

Now, to change keys, let's take a look at this guy that has been wanting to date me--and get in my pants--for the last few months. Well I don't like him like that and I've told him multiple times that I would rather be friends and then see where things go. He basically plays the guilt-card on me every time we talk. Yesterday he said how he needs me, he's crying, he can't do anything right, and so on. In the end I told him I don't need more drama in my life. So he said "fuck you" to me. =] But, I'm fine with it. He won't be bugging me anymore and I won't have to deal with a sissy. *Grins* What do you want to bet that he'll text me, like always, within a few days to say he's sorry? Well, guess what, honey, I'm not talking to you.

Anyway, it was nice to get some ranting out. Now . . . I'm off to look up houses. What? I'm really into this all! =D

Sissy boys aren't my kind,

Aug 21, 2010

Episode 2: Goal: Buy a Horse

A gorgeous American Paint Horse
So I have a new goal: buy a horse. I've wanted a horse since I was young. But now the want has grown rather strong and here is my plan broken up into what I'd like to call . . . "Stages."

Stage 1: Take Riding Lessons
I've never rode a horse before. Ever. Okay, there were those ponies at the fair back when I was 8 but that doesn't count! I plan on starting lessons soon so I can get an idea of what riding and taking care of a horse is like. I can decide from here whether or not I want a horse or if I just want this to be something I do (riding, I mean) from time to time. I found a place nearby that offers the following:
  • Beginners Package: $80.00 (4 half-hour sessions, once a week, that teach some of the basics.)
  • 1 half-hour private lesson: $25.00
  • 1 hour private lesson: $40.00
So I'll definitely start with the beginner's package and then go to probably half hour sessions or maybe do an hour one here and there. So, let me just say once I get a horse, there's $100 a month going toward lessons. So that's a note to self!

Stage 2: Boarding and Other Costs
Also located at the same place nearby (where the lessons are), they offer full board for $375.00 a month. But there are more costs to add; and I'm giving it a little wiggle room. So here's a list of what I see right now and about how much I'll leave money for:
  • Board for a month: $375.00 (It seems the grain and feed is included in cost but I'd have to check.)
  • Mineral supplements, salt blocks, and concentrate for a month: $50.00
  • Feed in case it isn't included: $50.00
  • Farrier, dewormers, dentistry, and vaccinations: $50.00
 So if you add that up for a month, you get $525.00 and once you add the $100.00 for lessons, that's about $625.00 per month. I should also put aside $125.00 a month into a separate savings account so I have it on hand just in case there is an emergency with the horse. Over time it will add up and will be worth it when bad things happen. Or, you know, I can use it for gas knowing that I'll be using so much to travel to the barn! So, for now, I'll say that $750.00 a month is what I can expect to put out.

A cute Palomino
Stage 3: Buy a Horse
 Well, yeah, the horse comes next. Once I know I want a horse, have lessons under my belt, and have found a place to board . . . it's time for the next step: a horsey. So I do have some guidlines for my first horse:
  • Must be trained for riding. A new horse and new rider just isn't a good mix. It would also be great if the horse knew a couple other disciplines!
  • Should be at least a couple years old but not too old. I want a horse that's old enough to know who's boss but not one that old enough that they'll be too old or tired to do the activities I want them to do within a few years. 
  • Needs to be a healthy as a horse! I need to remember to get a vet check-up for the horse before I decide to purchase just to make sure my new horsey doesn't have loads of issues.
  • $3,500 - $5,000 maximum for the horse depending on the age and experience of the horse.
 So looking over all of this, I've decided that I should have at least $6,500 - $8,000 before buying a horse. That way I'll have enough for the horse, vet checks, and a month or two (or more) of board and other fees just in case. I also have to figure about $1,500 or so for starting tack stuff; hopefully I can find used saddles and the like, though.

I'm planning to hit up the bank soon to create a new savings account. From September on out I plan on banking at least $1,000 a month in that savings account. Now, currently I only do Tarot Readings. I do plan on finding another job so that my full-time Tarot Reading job will become part time. This way I can have a continuous pay coming in with some extra Reading money on the side. =]

So be sure to keep looking for how much I'm banking on a monthly basis. I hope that I can start riding lessons in September or October, as well!

Hoping to get a horsey,

Aug 20, 2010

Episode 1: It's 6:31AM and I am STILL Awake!

So I've spent the past couple of hours talking to a friend on Skype. Our early morning conversations tend to get . . . interesting if you know what I mean. For example, she found out there are more than 30 types of vaginas (I told you this was weird) and decided to share that news (and pictures) with me. It's very interesting! We then spent a good 15-20 minutes talking about how we couldn't tell which we had (go figure).

Then we started talking about horses. Lately I've been wanting a horse. I really need a hobby that takes me outside of the home. Right now Tarot keeps me at home (unless I go out to Read). Piano, singing, songwriting, writing novels, and pretty much all my other hobbies keep me at home. Hell . . . even French-related things keep me at home! I need something to get me away from home so I don't have to worry 24/7 about everything else going on in my life (and when I'm at home all I do is think about my life).

A Gypsy Vanner Horse

I have also wanted a horse for years but now the want is stronger than ever. Another friend of mine has a horse and is showing him soon so it made me interested in horses more and thus . . . my passion for horses was born. I think most of the breeds are gorgeous. But, I must admit that my dream horse is a Gypsy Vanner. How beautiful would this horse be pulling a gypsy caravan? I can just see it now: I'm sitting in it with a table just waiting to do Tarot Readings and see into people's futures; a nice atmosphere for fortune telling! But of course that is all fantasy stuff! I do believe this is my dream breed, though!

But, for a beginner, I began to wonder: what is the best breed to start with? Well according to online sources, there really isn't a set of breeds perfect for beginners. Most suggest finding a horse that's at least a couple years old (some even say 10-12 years) that is already broken and is capable of doing what you'd like to do whether it be just pleasure driving, poles, barrel racing, or trailing.

A beautiful Paint Horse
I definitely want an athletic horse that is capable of doing poles, barrel racing, trailing, and so on but also isn't temperamental. I want to be able to do dressage and other events with the horse. I also want the horse to know some of these things. A new rider and horse that's new to being rode . . . just isn't a good match.

Of course I'm just dreaming here, but I realy hope to be able to afford a horse some day. I'm thinking about starting riding lessons soon just to be sure that this is something I want to do before I jump in and buy a horse. So be prepared for many posts on this!

But, right now, this is just what I'm blabbering on about at . . . 6:45 in the morning! What else do I have to do? Oh, right . . . sleep. Hmm . . . I could but what fun would that be? I mean, my random blog posts when I'm running on no sleep are probably the best (but also the ones that make no sense).
A strawberry crepe

Do you know what I want right now? A crepe. Not just any crepe; oh, no. A strawberry crepe! Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm! As a matter of fact, I was telling my friend just a few hours ago how I had 3 goals prsented to me today:
  1. Eat a crepe.
  2. Buy a horse.
  3. Find out which type my vagina is.
Okay, okay, I understand this is a really weird post but so is my life. And I'm sure me being up at 6:52 in the morning with no sleep isn't exactly helping. Heck, I'll probably pass out soon and then wake up, not remembering a thing. Oh, trust me, it's happened. =P No, not in that kind of way!

So now I'm going to stop this post here and bid ye all a farewell. =] I hope my next post is a bit more sane . . . and classy (in other words no mention of vaginas). =]

Forever wanting a strawberry crepe,
Natasha <3