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Aug 22, 2010

Episode 3: Financial Woes & a Relationship Goes

The big issue for me: finances. I'm dishing over nearly $250 for textbooks and then another $350 for car insurance for this month and next. I'm constantly worrying about bringing in enough money. But I'm also going to be looking for another job. This way I can get something constant.

If you saw my last post you'll know that I want a horse. I'm trying to imagine how much money I can save up if I save up $1,000+ a month. I could pay off college, get a better car, AND even have a down payment for a house. Or . . . I could get a horse. So it's definitely playing on my mind: is a horse worth it?

I know if I get a horse that it will be harder to get a downpayment together for a house. Or I can try to do this the other way around: buy a house, pay off college, get a newer car (or at least have money together for a car), and then go for a horse. But if I do it that way I may not have enough money for a horse. If I can get more Readings sold, and even start doing in-person Readings when I have a house, it may work out. But, still, I'll have a mortgage to pay and possibly car payments (although I'd rather just buy the car for a few thousand). On top of that do I want a horse?

It's really tricky. I know I have months to think about this while I take lessons in the meantime. By then I may decide that, yes, I do love horses and want one, but that it may just be better if I try to get ahead in other things and wait until after college to get a horse. It's kind of tricky, though. I know I still have a good 3 or 4 years left of college. Do I really want to wait that long?

Inside a massive horse barn
Hopefully after college I'll get a teaching job and will be married (I can only dream) so I'll have another source of income. I mean if I say a horse will cost $4,000 initially and then I pay about $650 a month for a year: right there is $11,800 that I can save up in a year. Plus another chunk of money that I bank for the horse. There's another $1,200. I think saving up $13,000 a year is an eye-opener! Let's say I go to college for another 4 years: there's $52,000! Get ahead on paying off these loans . . . plus I can be on my way to a nice-sized down payment. And that's only if I'd bank a little over $1,000 a month. What if I bank $2,000 a month for 4 years? Can anyone say $96,000? Plus, you can figure I'll have more time to work during the summer months. So let's add another $2,000 a month for those 3 summer months for 4 years (assuming I work during the summer before I start teaching). That would be another $24,000. Add that to $96,000 and that would be $120,000 in the bank. Or . . . I could buy a horse.

Another thing I could consider is buying a house with land or even one with a barn. If it doesn't have one, build one! I could buy a horse then and take care of it there! I could even rent out stalls to get a nice income to pay off the barn plus other stuff. This would be hard to do if I'm still in college, though, unless I only do partial boarding where the owners need to come to feed the horses a certain amount of time a week or clean stalls, or something like that.

Now, to change keys, let's take a look at this guy that has been wanting to date me--and get in my pants--for the last few months. Well I don't like him like that and I've told him multiple times that I would rather be friends and then see where things go. He basically plays the guilt-card on me every time we talk. Yesterday he said how he needs me, he's crying, he can't do anything right, and so on. In the end I told him I don't need more drama in my life. So he said "fuck you" to me. =] But, I'm fine with it. He won't be bugging me anymore and I won't have to deal with a sissy. *Grins* What do you want to bet that he'll text me, like always, within a few days to say he's sorry? Well, guess what, honey, I'm not talking to you.

Anyway, it was nice to get some ranting out. Now . . . I'm off to look up houses. What? I'm really into this all! =D

Sissy boys aren't my kind,

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